The one question I dread...

"What are we going to have for dinner?" I can not explain how much I dread this question, it is why I TRY so hard to meal plan because I do not want to think about it, talk about it, worry about it. And at 3pm when it's time to start ALL of those things, instead I start organizing dinner and starting to prep things. Meal planning helps make my life so much easier but I haven't been super consistent with it.  

One of the tools I am using to be better at it is The Simplified Home Base Binder by Emily Ley. Among the many amazing worksheets is the meal planning section. The worksheet has the days of the week listed on one half of the page and on the other half of the page is where you can list all the items you need from the grocery store. It's amazing!


I look at our calendars to see what we have going on in the evenings, I look to see if there are any nights where Cory is going to be on this own or we have plans for dinner. If Cory is left on his own I like to do a meal the day before that has leftovers or day-of is easy for me to do so he doesn't have to worry about it when he gets home and has to get Grayson to bed. I put events on the paper too because I put this paper on the fridge after we go to the store so we can see it all week. I also put the meals in my Simplified Planner under each day as well so I remember throughout the week what I planned. More to come on my favorite planner in the whole wide world. :) 

The last thing I want to share for help with meals (also by the fab Emily Ley ) is a free printable for Go To Meals . I keep this in my Home Base Binder so when I'm trying to think of easy meals during a busy week or when my brain is too tired I can just look at this paper and pick a few things quickly. It's definitely a lifesaver! 

Sometimes things are so simple and yet so HARD! Being consistent with meal planning is one of my goals for this year, I am hoping to officially conquer it! I know it will make my life so much easier and get me to my glass of wine a lot quicker! 

Cheers & Amen y'all!