On the night you were born

My sweet Baby G, 

On August 15, 2016 I woke up at 5am feeling absolutely awful unable to sleep I took a shower and quickly realized my water may have broken, of course I text my bestie who was my go-to for all things pregnancy and she said "that has got to be it!" (Thanks Lauren for the help!). We went to see the doctor at 8am for our schedule appointment exactly a week before your due date. The doctor said "I'm going to call the hospital to tell them you are on your way. You're going to have a baby today" Your Dada and I looked at each other in complete disbelief. We were finally going to meet the sweet baby we had been praying about for years. 

Fast forward to getting settled in the hospital around 12pm (or hotel as Dada accidentally calls it all the time)... Lolli and I colored and we text all of our friends our adventure was beginning. 


We were not sure when you were going to arrive because not much was really happening. But one thing I can tell you is I prayed hard throughout the entire time. Any time I thought about what was REALLY happening I prayed. Throughout my pregnancy I prayed about your birth, I prayed you would come early so I could have more time with you, I prayed I would be brave and asked God to ease my anxiety and fears of giving birth. I talked to God about how I can not believe such a momentous event in someone's life had no real date, no real time, it was all up to you, my sweet boy, and the Lord. Only you two knew when you were ready to come greet us. The planner in me just dies at the thought of this. But wow am I grateful for not being in control because it was the most amazing and wonderful experience to see God at work. 

Around midnight you were finally ready to greet us... our night nurse is someone I will never forget and will always been so grateful for, she was amazing (thank you Megan for everything!). You came so fast!! 

You were born at 1:11am on 8.16.16

And while your birthday is technically August 16th, I will always start celebrating your birthday at 5am on August 15th. Let's go back to this August 16th birthday. Grayson Lewis, you were born on your Great Aunt Chrissy's birthday. The aunt who has been by my side for the past 13 years of my life in Arizona and from the day I was born. The aunt who is a second mother to me, where I get my bubbly handwriting from, my love of popcorn, and my very silly side. When I think about how long I prayed for you, the whole time God knew you were going to be born on her birthday. Grayson, God is so good. My heart just bursts knowing you share a birthday with Aunt Chrissy, your Birthday Buddy, "Aunt BB." 

The moment you were born we were all in total tears. Just absolutely sobbing. Your Dada, your Lolli, Aunt BB and I were all a total mess in the delivery room. I do not know if I could even see you clearly for the first few seconds because my eyes were so blurry through the tears. Your Dada took you over to get measured and weighed, you were perfect 7lb 1oz, my little dude. That night was absolutely magically and beautiful and something I will never forget. 

And so you are here... 364 days you have been here... each day more amazing than the other. Each day I can't believe I could love you anymore, each day your smile makes your Dada and I in awe of you. In awe because you are here. In awe because you are ours. And every night I "read" the book "On the night you were born" (thank you Michele, Pat & Brock!!) I say "read" because I actually have it memorized so I rock you and say the book as you get cozy and rub your elephant pacifier over your face. The first time I read it to you I cried through the whole thing, and the second time, and the third time... I would say I have cried more reading it (saying it) than I have not cried. 

"On the night you were born the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked into see you and the night wind whispered 'Life will never be the same' because there had never been anyone like you ever in the world." 

Those are the first lines of the book. After praying for you for so long, those words mean so much to me. I still remember being in my hospital bed looking outside when it was dark and seeing the lamps in the parking lot on. I picture it almost every time I read that first sentence. I remember knowing my life was about to change forever, change for the absolute best. 

"For never before in a story or rhyme (not even once upon a time) has the world ever known a you, my friend, and it never will, not ever again." 

Grayson, I hope you know how truly special you are to me and your Dada. You are all we have ever hoped for and we thank God every day for you. You are the best.

We love you so so so very much. 

"Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn, one the wonderful, marvelous night you were born." 